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A Build The Healthy Happy Mind You Want Program

Are you unhappy with how your Mind works – some of your Feelings, Thoughts, Behaviours, Habits? Would you like to rebuild your Mind – to Plan a Healthy Happy Mind for yourself – how you want to Feel & Think & Usually Behave & your usual Habits?


First download The Mental Fixit App onto your phone & most days in 5 to 10 minutes click on your choice of answers for its questions, then read your instant Report. Read & think about each Report & often watch the Under-a-Minute Videos it explains will most help you. And keep asking yourself & others who might know “Why? Why? Why?” Everything has Causes And keep saying to yourself & others “I’m going to Learn about & Understand Myself & how I got to be like I am”. “And bit by bit for the next year I’m going to develop new ways I want of Feeling & Thinking & Behaviours & Habits”. “And I’m going to stop Feeling & Thinking & Behaviours & Habits I don’t want by doing those new things instead”.