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Non-Addictive Combination Tasty Fast Fix Powder Medicines

For Far Faster Relief, Happiness & Health, get Non-Addictive, Very Fast Acting, Multiple Effect, Tasty, Tongue Absorbed Powder Medicines You can take in Seconds Anytime Anywhere from Pocket Dispensers

Swallowed Tablets & Capsules are slowly gut absorbed, take 30 to 60 minutes to start working, & give peak effects in 1 to 2 hours. So, suffering & damage continue until they’re fully working.
Any Doctor anywhere can prescribe our Powder Medicines as they’re NOT addictive. And in some places, starter packs are prescription free, which cuts suffering, prevents new addictions, weakens old addictions, & prevents relapses.
For even more help also download The Mental Fixit App onto your phone & do its under 10minute Check often & the Check instant Reports give you good understanding & advice, that help you get problems fixed quickly.
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Non-Addictive Combination Tasty Fast Acting Tongue Absorbed Powder Medicines

Naltrexone gives 2 great benefits — it blocks Opiate Receptors, which blocks Heroin Addictive Painkillers & Alcohol, & it boosts “Feel Good/Pain Killing” Natural Endorphin Chemistry. So it’s widely used alone as Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN 2.25 to 6mg) & I also used it as Repeated Micro-dose Naltrexone (3/4 mg RMN) for Heroin & Addictive Painkiller Addiction detox, & as a part of many Powder Medicine Combinations.
To boost your over 20 “Feel Good Pain Killing” Natural Endorphin Chemicals take RMN 1 dose at bedtime & increase by 1 dose each evening to 8 doses & however many doses makes you best next morning is your best dose of LDN. When sure what your best dose is, it’s more convenient to get an LDN Dispenser that gives that best amount in 1 dose.
To quit Heroin or Addictive Painkillers start with RMN 1 dose every hour & see Comfortably Cut Heroin Craving, then Quit or Comfortably Cut Addictive Painkiller Craving & Amounts.

CalmFast-3, CalmFast-6 & CalmFast-12 Powder in Pocket Dispensers

Non-addictive CalmFast Powder can be taken in seconds, anytime, anywhere, from a Pocket Dispenser & in 5 minutes starts calming you & cutting any craving for Alcohol, Heroin, Marijuana & Addictive Tranquilizers or Painkillers.
CalmFast Powder cuts the “Upper Disorders” Worry/Anxiety, Poor Sleep, Irritability/Anger/Violence, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Post Traumatic Evil Focus Disorder, Workaholism, Big Spending, Gambling & Porn.
It also cuts Craving for & Addictions to the addictive “Downer Chemicals” Alcohol, Xanax Valium & other Benzodiazepines, Ambien Stilnox & other Zolpidems, Marijuana, Heroin & Addictive Painkillers.
On morning waking drop 1 dose of CalmFast-3 on your tongue per 20 to 30kg or 44 to 66lb of your weight – whatever works best. Then whenever “Upper Disorder” distress or addictive “Downer Chemical” craving start drop 1 more dose of CalmFast-3 on your tongue per 20 to 40kg or 44 to 88lb of your weight.
Sucked tongue absorbed CalmFast-3 starts working in 5 minutes & when you’ve found the best amounts that same amount from fewer doses of double or quadruple strength CalmFast-6 or -12 may be more convenient.
Its great Flavour soon causes Taste Conditioning then relief starts in seconds as soon as you taste it.
CalmFast-3doses are calming muscle relaxing craving cutting Baclofen3mg+calming antidepressant Mirtazapine 2mg + “Feel Good” Endorphins boosting Micro-dose Naltrexone 3/8mg. Sometimes CalmFast + AngerFix is better.
Also download The Mental Fixit App & do its under 10minute Check often. Its Instant Reports explain which 6 of our over 80 Under-a-Minute Videos to watch immediately for the most help with your particular needs.
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LowFixit Powder Medicines in Pocket Dispensers

Non-addictive LOWFIXIT Powder Medicines can be taken in seconds, anytime, anywhere, from Pocket Dispensers & in 5 minutes start lifting Energy & Mood & also wean people off Alcohol Excesses, Heroin & Addictive Painkillers.
If you often feel low during the day, take morning non-addictive LowDayFixit Powder 1 dose per 25kg/55lb of your weight on waking, then adjust doses to what works best. If not better in a week add afternoon LowNightFixit.
LowDayFixit doses combine Modafinil stimulant 50mg & Fluoxetine Stimulating Antidepressant 8mg. Many depressed people find Antidepressants too slow but this combination starts helping on the 1st day.
If you often feel low in the evenings, in the afternoons take Non-addictive LowNiteFixit Powder 1 dose per 25kg or 55lb of your weight, then adjust the doses & times to what works best. But if you’ve had Heroin or Addictive Painkiller in the previous 24 hours start taking the LowNightFixit doses 1 hour apart.
LowNightFixit is a Combination of calming relaxing anti-drug craving Baclofen 10mg + calming Antidepressant Mirtaza-pine 10mg + “Feel Good” Endorphin Boosting Micro-Dose Naltrexone ¾ mg. Naltrexone stops Heroin & Pain killer craving without side effects &when no Heroin or Painkiller for 24hours you can take LowNightFixit double doses & when no Heroin or Painkiller for 72hours take 1dose of LowNightFixit per 25kg or 55lbof your weight every afternoon. See the Video Comfortably Cut Heroin Craving, or see the Video Comfortably Cut Addictive Painkiller Craving & Amounts.
To feel & perform even better download The Mental Fixit App & do its under 10minute Check often. Its Instant Reports explain which 6 of our 80 Under-a-Minute Videos to watch immediately for great help with your problems.
Please send questions and comments to [email protected]

UpFast-60 & UpFast-100 Powder Medicines in Pocket Dispensers

Nonaddictive UPFAST Powder is taken in seconds anytime anywhere from a Pocket Dispenser & in 5 minutes starts improving Focusing, Attention & Energy & weans people off Alcohol Excesses, Heroin & Addictive Painkillers.
UpFast helps with the “Downer Disorders” ADD/ADHD, Post Viral Fatigue & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), Low Energy & with quitting the “Upper Addictive Chemicals” Cocaine, Crystal Meth/Ice & Ecstasy/MDMA.
For ADD/ADHD take 1dose of UpFast-60 per 20kg/44lb of your weight on morning waking & ½ that much 8 hours later. Then find the amount that works best, & that amount from less doses of UpFast-100 may be more convenient.
For Post Viral Fatigue, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Low Energy take 1 UpFast-60 dose per 20kg or 44lb every 6 to 12 hours & adjust doses & times till you feel & function best.
If you start craving Cocaine Crystal Meth/Ice or Ecstasy/MDMA drop 1UpFast-100 dose on your tongue per 20 kg or 44lb of your weight every 4 to 8 hours, which starts cutting craving in 5 minutes. Then Taste Conditioning causes UpFast to start working in seconds whenever you taste it. Vary the doses & times till you find what works best.
Cut the amounts of Cocaine, Crystal Meth/Ice or Ecstasy/MDMA as soon as you can & taking less also weakens your addiction, so you can soon take less & less. After quitting always carry an UpFast Dispenser to prevent relapses.
UpFast-60 combines stimulating Modafinil 60mg + a ½mg Micro-dose of “Feel Good” Endorphin boosting Naltrexone. UpFast-100 is Modafinil 100mg + Naltrexone ½mg. Some depressed people find LowDayFixit better than UpFast.
To feel & perform even better also download The Mental Fixit App & do its under 10minute Check often. Its Instant Reports explain which 6 of our 80 Under-a-Minute Videos to watch immediately for great help with your particular problems.
Please send questions and comments to [email protected]

AngerFix-3, AngerFix-6 &AngerFix-12 Powder Medicines in Pocket Dispensers

Non-addictive ANGERFIX Powder can be taken in seconds, anytime, anywhere, from a Pocket Dispenser & in 5 minutes starts calming Abnormal Irritability Anger Violence Disorder. But don’t take it for Normal Justified Anger.
Sometimes getting angry is normal &tells us &other people that something is bad &helps us to fight wrongs & defend ourself. Don’t suppress Natural Normal justified anger as that causes stress that depresses our Immune System.
But most Irritability Anger & Violence is abnormal & harmful – not helpful. It’s caused by disturbed Brain Chemistry & Electricity Flow Patterns, that were developed by past repeated nasty things that happened, or good things that didn’t happen, often in early Childhood. They caused an Irritability Anger & Violence Habit that can ruin friendships, cause Domestic Violence, break up Families, & result in being poor hungry & cold, Substance Abuse, Addiction, Homelessness – even Murder.
You can’t change past events, but you can correct the Brain Chemistry/Electricity screwups events caused.
Download the free Mental Fixit App from the App Store or Google Play to your phone & often do its under 10 minute Check which asks simple questions about every important part of your life. You just tap “No”, “Moderate” or “Severe” for each question & get an instant Report that lists what’s “Severe” then “Moderate”, from the worst to mild.
The Reports tell which 6 of our 80 Minute Videos to immediately watch for most help with your problems.
Aways carry an AngerFix-3 Pocket Dispenser &at the first sign of Irritability/Anger/Violence (IAD), drop 1 dose of AngerFix-3 on your tongue per 20kg or 44lb of your weight &suck & absorb it through your tongue. Repeat that 4 to 8 hourly as needed, &learn how much makes you feel & perform best in different situations, with different IAD severities.
Then take however much you think you need all at once at the first sign of IAD, or even earlier if in a situation that usually triggers IAD – It’s far easier & better to prevent or cut IAD attacks early than late, when they’ve got strong.
AngerFix’s great flavour soon causes Taste Conditioning & relief then starts in seconds as soon as you taste it.
And each time you cut an episode early that slightly weakens the habit – IAD is a kind of bad habit you can weaken then break by blocking it with AngerFix EVERY time, as soon as it starts.
AngerFix-3 combines calming relaxing drug craving cutting Baclofen 5mg, calming antidepressant Mirtazapine 5mg & Lamotrigine 4mg. AngerFix-6 & -12 are double & quadruple strength.
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TobaccoFix-3 & TobaccoFix-6 Powder Medicines in Pocket Dispensers

Non-addictive TobaccoFix Powder can be taken in seconds, anytime anywhere, from a Pocket Dispenser & in 5 minutes starts cutting Tobacco Craving, which enables you to smoke less & less & comfortably quit in 6 to 10 weeks.
On morning waking drop 1dose of TobaccoFix-3 on your tongue per 20kg/44lb of your weight, suck & tongue absorb it &in 5minutes it starts cutting craving then take 1 to 3 doses as needed. Heavy smokers may try TobaccoFix-6.
TobaccoFix’s great flavour soon causes Taste Conditioning, then it works in seconds as soon as you taste it.
It’s then comfortable to reduce smoking by ¼ every week or two, which further weakens your addiction & craving, & when down to ¼ of your usual habit, quitting is easy. Always carry a TobaccoFix Dispenser, to stop relapses.
TobaccoFix-3 is Modafinil stimulant 30mg + Nicotine ½mg + ‘Feel Good’ Endorphin boosting Naltrexone ¼ mg. TobaccoFix-6 is twice as strong.
To feel & perform even better also download The Mental Fixit App & do its under 10minute Check often. Instant Check Reports explain which 6 of our over 80 Under-a-Minute Videos to watch immediately for great help with whatever drove you to Tobacco. Fixing Causes cuts Relapses & carrying a TobaccoFix Dispenser helps stop relapses.
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