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Get Immediate, Highly Effective, ONLINE HELP, for Mental Suffering & Addictions. It’s Easy & mostly Free.

Whenever you start suffering from Mental Distresses or an Addiction, GET IMMEDIATE ONLINE HELP.
Understanding &Fixing Things EARLIER is Far EASIER & Far BETTER. Get Excellent Information &Solutions.

In 10 seconds click the App Store button on your iPhone or Google Play button on your Android phone & download The Mental Fixit App
With every App question choose & tap ‘No’ or ‘Moderate’ or ‘Severe’, which only takes 7 to 10 minutes.
An instant Report then appears on your screen with a Graph that clearly shows if your Total Score is improving. If there’s no improvement check & adjust your treatments as you read the rest of the Report.
The Report also explains which 6 of our 87 under-a-minute Videos on Mental Health, Addictions, Treatments, & Medicines will help you most. You can watch those 6 Videos immediately in under 10 minutes.
The Report then explains which medicines are likely to help you most.
Then all your ‘Severe’ & ‘Moderate’ Problems are listed in order of importance, so you know what you Want/Need to Get, & what you Want/Need to Get Rid Of.
Repeat the Check every 1 to 4 days & you’ll understand everything better & better. AND THE BETTER YOU UNDERSTAND EVERYTHING, THE MORE LIKELY YOU’LL GET WHAT’s BEST FOR YOU.

The Tools That Help You Fix Things EARLIER, which is Far EASIER & Far BETTER

1) www.MentalHealthVideosA2Z.com which lists all the other Tools & tells you everything you need to know.
2) 87 under-a-minute Videos that are on all the 6 main Video platforms. One Video had 6,850 views in its 1st 10 days, one had 4,544 views in 20 days, & altogether the Videos soon got 2,668 Tik Tok likes & 2,238 followers.
Under-a-minute Videos are the easiest, fastest, lowest-cost, most popular way for people to get information & understanding about any aspect of Mental Health or Addiction & their management.
Under-a-minute Videos are also the best way for people to find then use our Mental Fixit App, an advantage few Apps have. 99% of the exposure so far has been in Australia & it’s now time to go Global so Millions of severely hurting people Worldwide can benefit greatly from the Videos & App Checks.
3) Live Streaming Online I do 1 hour of Live Streaming 3 or 4times per week & get 800 to 2,200 viewers per session, which brings people to our Videos, The Mental Fixit App & our other tools, & is another advantage few other Apps have. Most Live Streaming was on Tik Tok, but I now also do it on You Tube & Instagram.
4) The Mental Fixit App that’s free & can be downloaded to your Phone in seconds from the App Store (to iPhone & Apple devices) or Google Play (to Android Phone & devices). Your choices of answers to all of its questions can be tapped on in 7 to 10 minutes anytime anywhere, & as soon as you finish doing that you get an instant Report on the screen.
The Report includes a graph of your scores that tells you if your treatment has helped, or needs to be changed.
Reports also explain which Videos Treatments & Medicines will help you most with your particular problems.
Repeating App Checks every 1 to 4 days helps you understand more & more & get clearer & clearer about what your particular Wants/Needs are. And the clearer you get the easier it becomes to get what’s best for you.
And you can share Reports online in seconds with any Family Friends Doctors &/or Counsellors who might be able to help you.
5) Pocket Powder Medicine Dispensers that enable you to drop doses of Powder Medicine on your tongue in seconds anytime anywhere.
6) Non-addictive very Tasty Combinations of 2 or 3 Medicines in Powder Form that, if dropped on the tongue & sucked not swallowed, are rapidly absorbed by the tongue & in 5 minutes start cutting Mental Suffering & Addiction Craving. If always carried in a Pocket Dispenser they can be used in seconds anytime anywhere to prevent Relapses.
The delicious Powder Tastes also soon cause Taste Conditioning, then Powder Medicines start working in seconds as soon as you taste them, which makes them even more effective. Swallowed tablets & capsules are often too slow, as gut absorption is slow so they take 30 to 60minutes to start working & up to 2 hours to reach peak effect.
7) Heart Beat Meditation Aids (HBMA’s). The more distressed you are the more calming Meditation helps you but the harder it is to learn to Meditate. HBMA’s make it easy to focus on your loud clear Heart Beats & forget everything else then Meditating for a few minutes is easy, & you soon develop a strong Meditation habit.